IPL (intense pulsed light) Lumecca
A superior solution for clear and beautiful skin
Lumecca IPL the most powerful intense pulsed light (IPL) therapy available to treat pigmentation, pigmented lesions, redness and vascular lesions. It is a Health Canada approved device that offers UNBEATEABLE results, with significant improvements in skin complexion, clarity and overall radiance within a single treatment.
How does LUMECCA IPL work?
Lumecca IPL works by what is referred to as selective photo-thermolysis. What this means is that by selectively targeting red and brown pigment in the skin, Lumecca offers a no-downtime photo-facial through controlled delivery of light energy into the skin. It can be used in combination with Captivating’s Facials, injectables and lasers.

The unique benefit of Lumecca is that is can safely be applied anywhere on the body*. Most commonly treated areas are face, neck, décolletage, arms, hands and legs.
- Complete rejuvenation by addressing complexion and skin clarity1
- Rosacea
- Redness
- Post inflammatory Acne scarring (PIH)
- Vascular lesions such as spider veins
- Vascular Neck Pigmentation (Poikiloderma)
- Freckles
- Sun damage and age spots anywhere on the body.
1 Certain skin types may need to follow a pre-treatment skincare regimen in order to minimize risk of hyperpigmentation, and to ensure optimal results.
Process & Treatment
Although improvement can be noted after a single treatment, multiple session may be indicated based on your specific skin type and concerns. Typically 3-6 sessions performed every 4-6 weeks is recommended. The exact treatment schedule will be determined during your initial consultation, and will be based on the severity of skin damage, skin type and type of skin concern ( redness and blood vessels vs brown spots and sun damage). 1 Certain skin types may need to follow a pre-treatment skincare regimen in order to minimize risk of hyperpigmentation, and to ensure safe and optimal results.
Lumecca IPL can safely be added on to your in-office facials and Chemical peels to boost your treatment results. ( memberships are offered at Captivating). This is commonly referred to as a photo-facial.
Visible results in complexion and sun damage can typically be seen within a few days after the treatment, but typically most noticeable results are seen 14-21 days after the treatment, with optimal results seen after completion of 3-6 sessions. Actual skin improvement continues up to three months after the final treatment.
15-30 minutes
The actual process of getting Lumecca IPL is simple and time efficient.
At Captivating Aesthetics, the first step is to book a consultation with our team experts. During this consultation a brief medical and relevant aesthetic history will be taken. You will have the chance to discuss your treatment concerns, your treatment goals, your fears and concerns in regards to the actual treatment itself. Your full treatment plan, along with expected maintenance will then be discussed.
A detailed series of photographs will be taken at every visit to compare your results to your baseline pictures, as well as monitoring progression of results.
Same day treatment is often possible and is usually discussed at the time of booking the consultation. Do note that there may be certain safety factors that may influence same day bookings, such as recent sun exposure ( 4 weeks), the use of artificial tanning solutions and certain prescription medications.
After booking, our friendly team will send you a link to our patient portal which allows you to complete the necessary forms in the comfort and safety of your own home. Once you arrive for your appointment, our front office team will get a set of baseline photos, and your skin-technician will meet with you to ensure you understand the procedure before commencing.
Lumecca IPL offers a non-invasive, virtually painless, no downtime way to permanently¹ get rid of redness, spider veins, brown spots and sun damage. The procedure is typically described as feeling like a “small pinch” or an “ elastic band snap”. A topical numbing may be applied an hour before the treatment if so desired².Some redness may be seen immediately after the procedure. Brown spots may get significantly darker as the pigment is brought to the skin surface, and this may last 14-21 days
¹The lasting effects of the treatment will depend on factors such as pre-existing medical conditions, the use of certain prescription and over the counter medications, genetic predisposition, compliance to a targeted skincare regimen as well as adherence to sun smart behaviour.
²Some numbing agents may cause vasoconstriction, which may render the treatment of vascular lesions less efficient. Be sure to discuss the use of numbing with our team of experts.
Photographs may be done immediately after the procedure. You will also receive specific after-care directions. The most important of these being hydration, avoiding direct sun exposure, compliance to SPF application and re-application and continuing a supportive skincare regimen.
Mineral makeup can be applied right after the treatment
As each individual has very specific goals and needs, every treatment plan differs. This will be thoroughly discussed during your consultation. Single treatment prices range from $600. Membership and Package pricing is available.